Marketing Mess to Brand Success – Scott Miller knows what it’s like to fail. He was demoted from his first leadership position after only three weeks—and that’s just one of several messy management experiences on his two-decade journey to leadership success. Everyone fails. But something sets Scott apart: transparency and willingness to openly share his story in a way that is forthright, relatable, and applicable.
In this episode of the Better Presentations More Sales podcast Scott shares lots of tips and ideas you can implement in your business, regardless of its size many of whom will help you move from Marketing Mess to Brand Success.
Amongst the Scott’s top tips were the concept that thinking is a legitimate business activity and that the key to success is the relationships between the people in your organisation.
Check out Scott here
And the Marketing Mess to Brand Success book here
This is episode 183 of the Better Presentations More Sales podcast – the previous 182 episodes are available on your usual podcast app or you can listen and download them via this link. To find out how more about how I can help you with your sales challenges in 2022 please follow this link. For presentation coaching programmes, including helping you deliver that key presentation please follow this link
If you or your company are keen to get better at sales and presentations in 2022 and you think you might need some help to make that happen let’s have a 15-20 minute informal no obligation no charge chat on Zoom. Simply click on this link to make that happen.
To find out more and potentially purchase my book please click here: 12 Business Lessons from Running and UltraMarathon.
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