what is a fractional sales director?
You are a family, partnership or private business in the professional services, technology or business services sectors looking to grow revenues.
You’ve been established for a few years and you want to attract more sales but you’re not quite ready to go all in on investing in an experienced full-time Sales Director.
That’s where I come in.
I’ll work with you for the equivalent of two days a month to help you plan and achieve your revenue generation goals.
what does a fractional sales director do?

I’ll facilitate a discussion with you and your senior colleagues to establish what exactly you are visualising in terms of revenue growth.
We will look at:
- Current Sales Trends and Patterns
- Customer spend data
- Current sales activity
- Current marketing activity
- Your sales process
- How customers buy from you
- Why customers should choose you – the compelling reasons for buying from you
- We will identify any sales barriers
- I’ll also ask your team about the compelling reasons and barriers

From the discussion on sales goals and based on your existing resources I will then create a sales stagey / plan for you.
This will include:
- Identifying where the sales opportunities lie
- Split between existing and potential customers
- And by type of product or service
- Keep adding to the strategy / plan so it remains fresh and up to date

The third step is to help you implement the sales strategy / plan and then keep the sales momentum going.
This will include:
- Coaching all those in your organisation who interact with customers / potential customers
- Working with whoever does your marketing to ensure it ties in with the sales plan and helps drive sales opportunities.
- Monthly check-ins with you and your senior team on sales activity and progress.
- Helping develop your key revenue generators, particularly with their sales presentations and pitches.
- As added value based on my time as an MD of a company with 300 people and a £17m turnover I can also act as a sounding board on wider company plans and ideas if required.
i will provide ideas, momentum, energy and expertise to help your company grow its revenues
how does the two days a month work?
We will use the time to help you achieve the above goals.
It could, depending on your location, be a mix of in-person and virtual activity.
I work only with a limited number of clients to ensure my time with is flexible to work around their needs.
I only work with one company in a sector at a time so I won’t be working with you at the same time as one of your competitors.
The commitment from both of us is initially for three months.
After that either of us can give the other one month’s notice.
So no long term agreements or tie in’s or contracts to sign.
If before we get going I don’t think I’m right for your business I will tell you!
Your Investment: £1375 +vat per month billed at the end of the month with a 28 day payment cycle.
Why invest in outside sales help?
Hugely Cost Effective: Imagine how much you would need to invest if you had a full time experienced Sales Director – not just a significant salary but holidays, pension, sick pay, bonus, etc…
With this fractional or gap filling service you enjoy the input, ideas, expertise of that Sales Director level person but for a fixed monthly fee.
Fresh Eyes: It is very easy in any business to focus so much on the day to day you forget to stand back and take a look from the outside in, creating the opportunity to see just what the business looks like to an outsider, and in particular to a customer. I’ll ensure you don’t fall into the trap of being so reactive to what is going on today you forget to be proactive in planning for what’s going to happen or need to happen tomorrow.
Challenge: Who in your company is the sales activity and process challenger? The person who asks: ‘Why are you doing that?’ ‘How can do you that better?’ ‘Is that really how customers want to interact/buy from you?’
Profile Boost: Having an experienced sales expert on board says a lot about your ambition. That will get noticed by potential customers, future team members and investors, as well as being a boost for your existing team.
Momentum Generation: One of the keys to sales success is momentum. Momentum in attracting new customers, momentum through the sales process, momentum with existing customers. One of the key aspects of this role is to help you generate and sustain sales momentum.
No long term sign up: For the fractional role our agreement will be for 3 months after which either of us can conclude our working together by giving the other party one month’s notice.
No competitive clashes: I only work with one organisation in any one sector at any one time. That enables me to focus entirely on helping you accelerate your sales faster than your competitors, be more fleet of foot than them, and make your customer interactions significantly better than there’s.
for clarity if you invest in this service its me that works with you not someone on my team or a third party i hire in
why work with me?
I started my sales career in 1983 selling advertising for the Lincolnshire Echo. I knew nothing about sales and only joined the ad department as I thought it would help me get a job on the sports desk. I quickly discovered that I loved the sales job helping a wide of variety of businesses use advertising to attract customers and ultimately grow sales.
Within a year I was promoted to the top sales territory and after 2 years I won a place on a trainee sales manager programme. I was 25 when I became a sales manager and my career would take me into sales director, commercial director, and managing director roles before after 29 years in the local media sector I had the opportunity to set up my own consultancy in 2012.
I love the variety working as a consultant brings. I learn so much that I am able to pass on and help my clients utilise. It is hugely rewarding helping businesses at all levels grow sales. I look forward to helping you become one of them.