sales team training to help you hit your sales plan target
Why does your company need sales training:
- To up-skill your sales team?
- To re-energise them and create fresh sales momentum?
- To be seen to be investing in them?
- It’s viewed by the Board as a quick fix to grow sales?
Companies have all sorts of reasons for investing in sales training.
Which is why my Sales Workshop is designed around your particular needs. You’ll see below an outline of how it works – but ultimately I’ll create the workshop around your sales team and their current challenges.
sales training that will inspire, energise, challenge, enthuse

This sales training programme doesn’t use terms like ‘closing techniques’, ‘overcoming objections’, ‘up-selling’ etc…instead it focuses on the interaction and relationship between buyer and seller.
Who wants to be or have turn up a ‘pushy salesperson’?
If you do then this programme is not for your organisation
Success in B2B sales all kicks off with a combination of:
Knowledge – of trends, your customer, their needs, your products/service
Mindset – the positive thinking bit without being over confident or ‘cocky’
Attitude – how you interact with customers – thinking more about them than you
Without these B2B sales can be an uphill task

- Making Connections
- Starting Conversations
- Building Relationships, Partnerships, Collaborations
- Having great People Skills
- Asking Big Questions
- Anticipating and establishing future needs of current customers
- Creating and Spotting Opportunities
- Being Proactive
- Gaining ‘Mini-Commitments’
- Clarifying not Assuming
- Understanding the Customer’s Buying Process
- Offering Alternatives – thus letting the ‘Buyer Buy’
- Negotiation Skills
- Agreeing Precise Next Steps
- Sales Pitch Delivery Skills
- Asking for the Order
That’s quite a list – so when we have our call on Zoom we can talk about your priorities so I can build the workshop around those.

So which types of organisations is this programme suited for?
Firstly it isn’t for organisations who simply think they ‘need some sales training’ – either as a quick fix or to tick an ‘invest in the sales team’ box.
It is though for organisations in the B2B sector who rely on direct sales to be key part of a strategy that drives and delivers a business growth plan.
Who have a B2B team who work with customers in-person, virtually and on the phone.
Delegates need to be keen to learn. Sales training is not a substitute or quick fix for poor sales leadership.
I’m not interested in working with salespeople who have been told to ‘go on this course’
Before I agree to work with your team I need to understand what your sales growth plan is and the sales strategies behind it.
two options for the sales training delivery
20-30 minute Zoom Call with Sales Management to confirm current sales challenges, why the programme is needed and the desired outcomes. Programme will be built around this conversation.
Full day in-person delivery at a suitable venue of your choice. Anticipated timings – 9.30am to 4.30pm
Post delivery delegates will be provided with a mini e-book of key notes, copies of grids used, any checklists used and exclusive access to a 10-12 minute video that summarises the key points.
Post delivery follow up 20-30 minute Zoom call with sales management to discuss what happened, on day interactions and feedback and what needs to happen to maintain momentum.
Four weeks later – 45 minute Zoom call with delegates to discuss what has happened since – the call is a reminder of key points and to help maintain momentum.
Followed by a further 20 minute call with management to provide delegate feedback and help maintain momentum.
Eight weeks later – 45 minute Zoom call with delegates to discuss what has happened since – the call is a further reminder of the key points and to help maintain momentum.
Followed by 20 minute call with management to provide delegate feedback and help maintain momentum.
20-30 minute Zoom Call with Sales Management to confirm current sales challenges, why the programme is needed and the desired outcomes. Programme will be built around this conversation.
Four 90 minute sessions delivered on Zoom one week apart. Total length of programme is 3 weeks.
Post delivery delegates will be provided with a mini e-book of key notes, copies of grids used, any checklists used and exclusive access to a 10-12 minute video that summarises the key points..
Post delivery follow up 20-30 minute Zoom call with sales management to discuss what happened, on day interactions and feedback and what needs to happen to maintain momentum.
Four weeks later – 45 minute Zoom call with delegates to discuss what has happened since – call is a reminder of key points and to help maintain momentum
Followed by 20 minute call with management to provide delegate feedback and help maintain momentum
Eight weeks later – 45 minute Zoom call with delegates to discuss what has happened since – call is a reminder of key points and to help maintain momentum
Followed by 20 minute call with management to provide delegate feedback and help maintain momentum
which to choose - in-person or virtual?
In-person enables lots of personal interaction between me and the delegates and the delegates themselves. Part of the day will be a series of small ‘breakouts’ with delegates working on specific and relevant sales challenges the business faces. With teams spread far and wide bringing them all together can be good for team bonding.
The challenge of a full day is ensuring the momentum gained during the day is maintained once it’s over.
The key benefits of virtual revolve around having shorter sessions over a period of three weeks enabling delegates to implement ideas and bring them back to discuss. Four sessions inevitably mean some delegates for various reasons may not make all sessions. They will though be recorded in full so there can be a catch up opportunity.
Virtual also means for sales teams spread far and wide there is no need to round them all up into one place.
what your investment includes:
- Pre hire Zoom call to discuss needs
- In-person or virtual delivery of programme for between four and twenty delegates
- Travel within UK and accommodation
- Programme materials including e-notes, grids, checklists, summary video
- Two 45 minute delegate follow up sessions on Zoom
- Two 20 minute management follow up sessions on Zoom
your investment in your sales team: £2700 +vat
Looking for a short, focused, specialist sales skill
development session for your team?
As the business world continues to evolve so do the skills needed by those operating in the customer environment.
Based on the work I have undertaken with the sales teams of various clients in the last couple of years I’ve put together these specialist skill development sessions.
They are designed to be delivered to sales teams virtually hence the 90 minute, action packed, fast paced, interactive model. Click on the ‘Is it right for your team’ button to find out more and then book a free 15-20 minute Zoom call to discuss the next steps to up-skilling your team.
whether it is the sales training programme or a specialist sales skill development session you are seeking it is important you hire someone who you think will be able to work effectively with you and your team
that's why i always advise a zoom call before you commit
Please click the button below to book a no obligation 15-20 minute Zoom call with me
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Here's a bit about me...
I started my sales career in 1983 selling advertising for the Lincolnshire Echo. I knew nothing about sales and only joined the ad department as I thought it would help me get a job on the sports desk. I quickly discovered that I loved the sales job helping a wide of variety of businesses use advertising to attract customers and ultimately grow sales.
Within a year I was promoted to the top sales territory and after 2 years I won a place on a trainee sales manager programme. I was 25 when I became a sales manager and my career would take me into sales director, commercial director, and managing director roles before after 29 years in the local media sector I had the opportunity to set up my own consultancy in 2012.
I love the variety working as a consultant brings. I learn so much that I am able to pass on and help my clients utilise. It is hugely rewarding helping businesses at all levels grow sales. I look forward to helping you become one of them.

What difference will it make to you and your company if you a key sales pitch you are planning to deliver? What would that be worth to you?
I’ll work with you on the structure, content, flow and delivery to help you achieve that successful outcome.
Aimed at Business Leaders who don’t have a sales background but are leading the sales drive for their SME. I’ll help you with sales planning. strategy, activity, growth ideas….
Choose from 50 minute sessions or a monthly coaching plan.
Designed to give your team the skills and confidence they need to generate sales whether they are ‘salespeople’ or handle ‘sales’.
One or two days in-person or shorter, more frequent virtual sessions whichever best suits your needs.
Aimed at growing SME’s who aren’t yet big enough to have on-board a full-time experienced Sales Director.
I’ll fill that gap for you for the equivalent of two days a month using my sales knowledge and expertise to help you grow your sales revenues.
Sales – all businesses need them. With almost 40 years of B2B sales experience at various levels I’ll show you how to create sales opportunities, to make it easier for your customers to buy and show you why asking questions and listening are more important than talking!
I’ll also help you win more sales pitches through pre-sales pitch sessions with those delivering the pitch and if you are sales leader I’ll help you with sales strategy, team activity and revenue growth plans as well as one to one mentoring as both a sales and business leader.