How to pitch to investors with Donna Griffit
How to pitch to investors is episode 256 of the Better Presentations More Sales podcast
Donna breaks down how to pitch to investors into four chunks:
Firstly the need – which is identifying the challenge or problem you are planning to overcome
Secondly your proposed solution – an overview of your product or service
Thirdly your business plan – all the metrics and data and investor will want to see
Fourthly your vision for the future – outlining how you see things successfully moving forward
Donna also says that investors pay attention in a pitch to:
- Credibility – which is often your data and plan
- Likeability – can they envisage working with you
- Momentum – have you got the desire to make this happen
Donna’s two top tips for listeners are:
Know your audience
Don’t underestimate how visionary what you are doing is
You can find Donna at: and you can obtain Donna’s new book: ‘Sticking to my Story’ here:
This is episode 256 of the Better Presentations More Sales podcast – the previous 255 episodes are available on your usual podcast app or you can listen and download them on the Better Presentations More Sales podcast page
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