Bullet Proof Selling.
Shawn Rhodes developed Bullet Proof Selling as a former war correspondence who has taken the systems and processes that he observed from the battlefield into business boardrooms
Shawn’s ambition is to help companies replace hope with certainty when it comes to sales by having systems and processes in place that are reliable, consistent and easily utilised if sales personnel change
Shawn also shares three great questions to ask after each sales meeting:
What could I have done differently now the meeting is over and I know in hindsight how it was going to run?
What should I have known about the company in advance of the meeting?
And given the outcome of the meeting what could my company have done to help me be more successful?
Shawn also reminds us that we should focus our debrief just around the occasions when we don’t win the business but also around those occasions when we do win the business
Shawn suggests you track the challenges you face every day so that you can learn from them and also learn how to get better at them
Here is the link to Shawn’s website bulletproof-selling.com
And to Shawn on LinkedIn
This is episode 174 of the Better Presentations More Sales podcast – the previous 173 episodes are available on your usual podcast app or you can listen and download them via this link.
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