Attract and keep customers for life tips and ideas from Terry Begue who started a house painting business in Ohio 43 years ago. He still runs the same business but he has expanded – into education. Terry has a book ‘Attract & Keep Customers for Life’ and an online course ‘Unnoticed to Unforgettable’. Terry is also a regular business event speaker and has been a member of Toastmasters for many years.
In this episode Terry shares the moment when he realised he should focus on his customers and not on thinking only of how much they were going to pay him. He shares his experiences as a speaker and offers advice to those wanting to be a speaker but who need that helping hand to make it happen.
And Terry’s two top tips?
Believe in Yourself
Build Trust
Here’s the link to Terry’s website
This is episode 192 of the Better Presentations More Sales podcast – the previous 191 episodes are available on your usual podcast app or you can listen and download them via this link. To find out how more about how I can help you with your sales challenges in 2022 please follow this link. For presentation coaching programmes, including helping you deliver that key presentation please follow this link
If you or your company are keen to get better at sales and presentations in 2022 and you think you might need some help to make that happen let’s have a 15-20 minute informal no obligation no charge chat on Zoom. Simply click on this link to make that happen.
To find out more and potentially purchase my book please click here: 12 Business Lessons from Running and UltraMarathon.
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