Regardless of your business size these 5 top sales tips will be helpful to you. We can all get better at sales so I help you’ll benefit from these 5 tops sales tips.
Pick one or more of 5 top sales tips and implement in try business now!
1. Wetsuit or T-Shirt – how easy is it to buy your products or services?
Is it as easy as putting on a t-shirt or is it as tricky as trying to get into a wetsuit when it comes to buying your product or service?’ To discover if you are a t-shirt or a wetsuit company try buying from your own company via all the channels your products or services are available. You may be surprised by how many ‘barriers’ there are that will potentially prevent people buying from you. In an era where ‘selling’ is increasingly about making it easy for people to buy you need to identify those barriers quickly and find ways to remove them.
2. Be seen as an expert
If you are recognised as an expert in your field you will attract more enquiries. Promote and share your expertise through articles, posts, newsletters, video, speaking and networking. What plans have you got to do some or all of those?
3. Be ready to respond
It is reckoned that around 70% of buying decisions are made in the B2B sector before any direct contact is had with the potential supplier. If your phone rings or an email arrives or you receive a direct message via social media or someone walks in through the door you need to be ready to respond quickly.
We live in a world of high expectations and that includes speed of response. Make sure you respond quickly to all enquiries – even if that means a holding response ‘Sorry I can’t take your call / answer your email but I will get back to you….’ Other top tips : Check how long your phone rings before it jumps to your voicemail and check what your voicemail message is as well as your ‘out of office’ email message.
4. Offer Alternatives
If your proposal to a potential customer has only one option it’s very easy for them to say no to it. And where does that leave you? On the basis that your potential customers prefer to buy rather than be sold to offer them more than one option when presenting your proposal. Three alternatives offers a choice and significantly increases your chance of gaining an order because there choices puts the buyer in control whereas one choice doesn’t. Buyers like to feel in control. The three alternatives can be similar but with variations which could be based on a number of factors including quantities, timings, price levels, level of back up service, etc… Try it – it does work.
5. Know when to press the Mute button
The vast majority of us like buying but we don’t like been sold to. Therefore salespeople who just talk are the ones we are likely to be put off by. Today’s best salespeople ask really good questions, listen to the answers and then steer the customer towards the product or service best suited to their particular needs, via three alternatives within their proposal.
And then they know to press the Mute button.
They know when to shut up!
Most ‘salespeople’ find it hard not to speak and have an uncontrollable desire once a silence occurs to break it. Don’t do it!
Interrupting is also a sales preventer. Let the buyer do the talking. Then ask for the order. Then don’t speak!. Give the buyer time to think and respond. It’s not easy to do (being on mute) but it will be worth it.
Need some sales energy and momentum?
For more sales tips and advice check out my website :
To find out how more about how I can help your teams deliver confident, impactful, memorable and action inducing presentations please visit my Presentation Training page
If your team need inspiring and re-energising please visit my Sales Training page
Before you book any training or coaching with me it is important for you to be sure that I’m the right person for you or your team so let’s have a 15-20 minute informal no obligation no fee chat on Zoom. Simply click here: Trevor Lee 15 minute meeting
My podcast Better Presentations More Sales features an array of global guests sharing every Monday great presenting and sales advice, tips and ideas.
Check out my book: ‘12 Business Lessons from Running an Ultra Marathon‘ – all proceeds go to Children’s Hospice South West
Here are links to the evergreen webinar versions of the presenting and sales skills sessions I ran in January and February 2023: