4 steps to audience connection – on this episode of the Better Presentations More Sales Podcast I’m joined by Izydor Lobacz – (Easy Izzy on Linked In) – who shares 4 steps to audience connection when delivering your presentation or pitch
Izzy helps entrepreneurs and sales people connect to their audience were now delivering presentations or sales pitches
Izzy shares a four step process that will help listeners deliver more successful pitches and presentations:
- Your offer – be absolutely clear about what your offer is, how it benefits your audience and why they should be interested in it
- Communication – this is understanding how to create what Izzy describes as an ‘easy emotional atmosphere for your audience’ – making sure that your audience can feel that they trust you, and that they can visualise what it will be like working with you and using your product or service
- Sales skills – the key here is to not be over talkative, to listen better, to ask better questions and to therefore ensure that your audience sees you as confident but not arrogant and looks forward to working with you
- Presentation skills – in this context we are really bringing all of the previous three items together to deliver that high-quality presentation or pitch that effectively helps you gain sale or deal
And all of this comes together in Izzy’s key tip for listeners to take away and implement straightaway and that is : Don’t think me versus you, think we
You can connect with Izzy on LinkedIn
This is episode 217 of the Better Presentations More Sales podcast – the previous 216 episodes are available on your usual podcast app or you can listen and download them via this link.
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