How to launch a business podcast
In this episode of the Better Presentations More Sales podcast I’m sharing tips and ideas to show you how to launch a business podcast
Podcasts are a growing communication medium so why should you start a business podcast?
It will help you build brand awareness, credibility and authority
It will generate demand for your product or service
It will strengthen the marketing communication experience you offer
It will help you engage and retain existing customers as well as communicate with your team
And it could create additional revenue streams for
Just like a presentation a podcast needs to engage, educate, enthuse and to a degree entertain its audience
So what you need to create a business podcast?
Stand-up content which will be based on your expertise
Guests that bring value to your audience as well as being interesting
Slick production but not too much editing otherwise there is a danger you lose your authenticity – I use a product called Hindenburg
If you are going to use guests that make it easy for them to book onto your podcast and consider using something like Calendy
You will need to host your podcasts and I use Buzzsprout – make sure the house is then sending your podcast at all the top podcast directories such as Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts etc…
You don’t need lots of expensive kit to start with but I would recommend a USB microphone
Don’t make your first episodes too long o because they are the ones that you need to get audience engagement with so they listen again – maybe aim for 15 to 20 minutes for those first episodes
You will need some artwork professionally created which represents your podcast logo
And finally when you kick-off consider recording three or four episodes to start with so you have some ready to go, that will help you ultimately get you past the 7 episodes mark.
This is episode 221 of the Better Presentations More Sales podcast – the previous 220 episodes are available on your usual podcast app or you can listen and download them via this link.
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