If you want to deliver an engaging presentation you need to focus on your audience.
Focus on what they want to hear and see, not what you want to tell them.
This really is the key if you want to deliver an engaging presentation.
And that means from the very first seconds you to start to present.
If you want to deliver an engaging presentation don’t start off with loads of information about the company and yourself: “This is who we are, this is how great we are, this is our new logo, this is a picture of our building and all our staff, these are the awards we have won, this our enormous coffee machine……etc..etc..etc..…”
‘Wow – I didn’t realise you were so great’ …..yawn, yawn, yawn.
As a member of the audience I don’t need to know about you or your company, I can easily find that out by going to your company website or looking at your personal LinkedIn profile.
If I’m in your audience I have given up my time to listen to you speak so:
- I want to be educated and informed.
- I want to know how to improve what I do.
- I want to solve some of the problems I have within my business.
- I want ideas that will help me attract new customers and generate more revenue.
- I want to learn from your experiences of doing something different that will help me achieve my business goals.
I think you get the general idea.
So if you do get a presenting opportunity focus your entire presentation around your audience. In so doing you will have a higher rate of engagement with them, they are much less likely to be bored by your presentation, and if you have demonstrated how you could solve their particular problem they may well want to hire your services.
Your number one presentation goal: deliver an engaging presentation
That’s it.
For more presenting tips and advice check out my website : trevorjlee.com
To find out how more about how I can help your teams deliver confident, impactful, memorable and action inducing presentations please visit my Presentation Training page
If your team need inspiring and re-energising please visit my Sales Training page
Before you book any training or coaching with me it is important for you to be sure that I’m the right person for you or your team so let’s have a 15-20 minute informal no obligation no fee chat on Zoom. Simply click here: Trevor Lee 15 minute meeting
My podcast Better Presentations More Sales features an array of global guests sharing every Monday great presenting and sales advice, tips and ideas.
Check out my book: ‘12 Business Lessons from Running an Ultra Marathon‘ – all proceeds go to Children’s Hospice South West
Here are links to the evergreen webinar versions of the presenting and sales skills sessions I ran in January and February 2023: