How to Deliver Virtual Presentations

How to Deliver Virtual Presentations

Delivering business presentations online has grown significantly in the last few years but for a lot of people they still don’t quite have the core skills which is why this episode is all about how to deliver virtual presentations.

There is an expectation now that if you deliver your presentation virtually the deliver is very good. Its not clunky, you don’t comes across as being not quite sure what button to hit next, your audio and visual are very good and you are making full use of the interactive tools available to you including the Chat, Q&A, Polls etc…

The episode includes communication with event organises, pre-preparation information required, getting used to the kit that you have available, practising, interacting with your audience, slide transitions, Q&A management.

Everything you need to show you how to deliver virtual presentations in a confident and competent way.

In essence a complete guide to all the things you need to know and do when you’ve got a virtual presentation to deliver whether that’s to colleagues, customers, management, investors or at an event.

If would like my help with your key presentation or sales pitch you can find me at:

If you are interested in trialling for free my online course ‘Transform your Business Presentations’ then drop me an email to and I’ll send you the details.

Don’t forget my final free autumn webinar is coming up – 20 fast paced minutes – all you need to do is register by clicking on the title of the webinar:

Thurs. Nov 7th: 5 Ways to Win More Sales Pitches

They all start at 9:30am UK time