Delivering Internal Presentations and Briefings

Delivering Internal Presentations and Briefings

We often forget when delivering internal presentations and briefings just how important they are and how worthy they should be in terms of preparation and practice as though they were an event keynote.

In this episode I’m going to share tips and ideas for when you are deliver a briefing or presentation to your team, colleagues, management or shareholders.

I’ll talk about explanation, context, interaction, efficiency, tone, precision, clarity and action – sharing tips and ideas with you for all of those things.

Helping you make you internal briefings and presentations inspiring, engaging, motivational rather than the oh no this is going to be boring which often happens when business people are delivering internal presentations and briefings

If you like this episode then I’ve got three autumn webinars coming up – 20 fast paced minutes and free – all you need to do is register by clicking on the title of the webinar:

Tues. Oct 15th: 5 Ways to Create More Sales

Tues. Oct 29th: 5 Ways to Transform your Business Presentations

Thurs. Nov 7th: 5 Ways to Win More Sales Pitches

They all start at 9:30am UK time

Click on these links if you want help with a key presentation or sales pitch

This is the online course  Transform your Business Presentations‘ that I mention in the podcast. I’m seeking three business people who are looking to enhance their presentation skills to try it for free – it retails at £397. In return I’ll be looking for feedback and ideas to tweak / enhance it.

Drop me an email to and I will send you the code to access it for free.