Use podcasting to grow sales with Lisa Laporte

Have you thought about how to use podcasting to grow sales?

Lisa Laporte is a natural born entrepreneur and is CEO of (This Week in Tech) and an expert is how to use podcasting to grow sales

On this episode of the Better Presentations More Sales podcast Lisa shares her thoughts and ideas around what is needed to be successful in sales as well as how podcasting and indeed other forms of profile media including video are increasingly useful in being part of the mix to help you generate more interest in your offerings and as a consequence help you generate more revenue.

We had some great conversation around the sort of things that today’s salespeople should be doing, in particular with how they see prospective customer in terms of the relationship. Lisa refers to her customers as partners and interacts with them as such.

This Week in Tech is a podcast network featuring 15 podcasts which collectively enjoy millions downloads

To anyone thinking of launching a podcast either individually or as a company Lisa’s suggestion is to record 10 episodes in advance that are 5 to 15 minutes long so an audience can be built before potentially the podcast become a bit longer and potentially involve guests.

Lisa also suggested that the first episode be called episode 0 and it simply be an introduction to who you are, what the podcast is going to be about and why listeners will benefit from it.

Lisa has worked as a Corporate Controller, CFO, Consultant, CEO, and Founder in a range of organizations, with a focus on startups, for over thirty years. Lisa has developed skills in growing companies, building successful and diverse teams, and establishing strong and profitable partnerships through company growth and income production during the course of her career.

This is episode 234 of the Better Presentations More Sales podcast –  the previous 233 episodes are available on your usual podcast app or you can listen and download them via this link.

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