The Career Toolkit with Mark Herschberg

Mark Herschberg is the author of The Career Toolkit, Essential Skills for Success That No One Taught You. 

Mark shares in this episode the five essential skills – leadership, networking, negotiation, teamwork and effective communication.

We discuss how applying some or all of those skills to your everyday business activities, but in particular those that you would use when presenting, pitching or public speaking, can elevate you above your competitors and indeed your colleagues, enhancing your profile and ultimately boosting your career.

Mark’s top tips for success for implementing the career toolkit essential skills are to:

Firstly learn with other people on a regular basis so that you hone the individual skills within a group environment and therefore can share feedback, tips, advice with each other

Secondly Mark suggests that you focus on one or two of the skills at a time – so for example if you find that during presentations that are effectively sales pitches you are increasingly drawn into negotiations and may not have either too much negotiation experience then focusing on enhancing your negotiation skills will ultimately lead to a higher sales pitch success rate.

Likewise networking is a key skill and very few people who go networking consider learning how to network better, including how you present their elevator pitch.

This is episode 204 of the Better Presentations More Sales podcast –  the previous 203 episodes are available on your usual podcast app or you can listen and download them via this link.  

To find out how more about how I can help you with your sales challenges in 2022 please follow this link. 

For presentation coaching programmes, including helping you deliver that key presentation please follow this link

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To find out more and potentially purchase my book please click here: 12 Business Lessons from Running and UltraMarathon. 

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