Become a Masterful Speaker with William Buist

Become a masterful speaker 

What difference would it make to your career if you were to become a masterful speaker? 

In this episode of the Better Presentations More Sales podcast business mentor William Buist shares some top tips and advice to help listeners on a journey to become a masterful speaker

William is a speaker, mental and confident his ambition is to help organisations build a better business and individuals that includes becoming a better speaker

During the episode William shares five top tips to becoming a better speaker

Set your goal to become a masterful speaker – which will mean taking lots of opportunities to deliver and practice

Be honest about everything you share – otherwise you risk losing credibility

Listen to your audience – speaking is not all about talking

Know everything about your product but just in case be ready to admit you don’t know something

Be curious – it’s a great way to learn and get better

William’s top tip for all speakers and presenters is to slow down when you are speaking and take a pause to help that happen

You can find William at

Click on the title link to buy William’s book ‘Intentional Mastery’

William also referred to the Professional Speaking Association

This is episode 258 of the Better Presentations More Sales podcast –  the previous 257 episodes are available on your usual podcast app or you can listen and download them on the Better Presentations More Sales podcast page

To find out how more about how I can help your teams deliver confident, impactful, memorable and action inducing presentations please visit my Presentation Training page

For one to one business leader presentation coaching please visit my Presentation Coaching page

Here are links to the evergreen webinar versions of the presenting and sales skills  sessions I ran in January and February 2023:

Before you book any training or coaching with me it is important for you to be sure that I’m the right person for you or your team so let’s have a 15-20 minute informal no obligation no fee chat on Zoom. Simply click here: Trevor Lee 15 minute meeting

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