#169: 5 things not to do when presenting virtually

5 virtual presenting don’t do’s.

Over the last 15 months we’ve all got used to interacting virtually – but how good are we at delivering virtual presentations whether that to clients, to colleagues, to investors, to business associates etc…here are 5 virtual presenting don’t do’s.

I still see a lot of people presenting virtually in ways in which they could easily do better and that was the motivation for putting this podcast episode together to share with you five things not to do when presenting virtually

Here they are:

  1. Open up your presentation or arrive to deliver it bang on the time when it is due to start
  2. Have a distracting virtual background or a window behind you or deliver from your normal high-back office chair
  3. Read from a script or from the slides
  4. Launch straight into your presentation without telling the audience what’s coming up, how they can interact etc..
  5. Have someone press the ‘next slide please’ button – introduce each slide, make the transition smooth – almost unnoticeable

Bonus: Don’t look uninterested or bored with what you are doing! – Instead smile into the webcam, add humour if the opportunity arises.


This is episode 167 of the Better Presentations More Sales podcast –  the previous 166 episodes are available on your usual podcast app or you can listen and download them via this link.

To find out how more about how I can help you deliver confident, impactful, memorable and action inducing presentations in 2022 please follow this link

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